Monday, October 4, 2010

Bread The Staff of Life best served with Butter!

Bread is important in this home, homemade sourdough to be exact! Even better if it is whole wheat!
A couple of loaves of whole wheat sourdough bread. Behind in the jars is some home canned pear juice and home made canned chicken stock. The makings of a good lunch or light supper.

Oh, where is the butter? The bread knife was a very thoughtful gift from by Brother In Law- Thanks Ted I've used it countless times over countless years!!!

A little over the top, but what every bread baker wants, a nice high rising loaf of bread. One of my prized baking dishes, approx. 9"x5",  an old Westinghouse refrigerator dish that even has a nice glass lid!


  1. That's sourdough for real? It looks too light and fluffy! Will you share the recipe here?


  2. Aunt Ruby' Sourdough Bread

    Mix following into starter:
    ½ cup sugar
    2 c all purpose flour ( I use organic)
    1 c water (best if it is spring or well)
    Set out mixture in a covered large bowl and let rise until morning-or about 8 hrs

    Save 2 cups starter in a quart jar and place in refrigerator for next time
    To rest of starter add:
    ½ c sugar
    1 1/2c water
    ½ c oil- I use olive oil
    1 Tbl salt
    6 cups flour- I use fresh ground whole wheat
    Mix all ingredients well and leave in bowl and cover. Let set for another 8 hours or until doubled.

    Have ready 2- 9x5 bread pans. Flour the area you will knead the dough on and grease the bread pans well with oil. Dump the dough out and knead, adding flour as needed to keep from sticking. Half the dough, shaping them into loaves and placing in the bread pans, cover and let rise until double.

    Heat oven to 350 and bake for 35-40 minutes or when nicely brown on top. Remove to cooling rack and remove from pans when cool.
